Our Wedding Videography Services

Wedding Film Service

With wedding videography, we have two services, highlight and film.

Our Wedding Films are all about story telling, customized for each unique love story for our individual clients.  We record the ceremony and reception speeches in full, and use the voice over to create a narrative of your journey, of who you are, and why you have decided to come together and why the day will be so special. As you can imagine, this story is absolutely unique to each client and its always such a joy to create something different for each of our wedding film. With the Film, the editing time is much more intensive as we want the narrative to flow and be special, and every clip that we use will be there for a specific purpose, carefully chosen to enhance the mood and the spoken words. We want others to watch your film and able to feel as though they have just walked this journey with you, felt your love and and celebrated the big moment with you.

Highlight Video Service

The highlight service creates a beautiful highlight reel using clips that we take throughout the day. This is the more affordable option that still allows our clients to have something beautiful to remember their wedding day. Typically there is no voice over, unless the full ceremony is recorded and this is an add-on option.

Which Service is For You?

We hope from the wedding film above with Shauna and Hayden, you would have a good feel of our ability to capture and tell a wedding story , and more importantly, understand the work involved to create something as beautiful as their wedding film. Ideally, we would love to create wedding films for all of our clients, but we understand that everyone has a budget.

When it comes down to which service, the wedding films will always provide more emotional impact due to the inclusion of the story line and voice over. The films will bring you much to the wedding day much more clearly, the people, the tears, the laughter, and everything in between.

If the wedding budget can be stretched, or that wedding memories are the most important thing to you, then the wedding film service is perfect for your needs.

If you watch the films, and did not feel anything, any emotional connection to the couple in the wedding film above, then it is likely that such a service is not necessary and our wedding highlight service would be more than sufficient to beautiful capture your big day.

Our full wedding videography pricelist can be found here. Please drop us a line if you need more information or have any questions.